Friday, January 3, 2014


The Internet is playing up. Your throat is raspy. You're laden with a week of grocery shopping and the lift isn't working. Your bread refuses to rise, and you're white sauce remains lumpy.

There are dozens of things to fret about. But what about the things that make you happy?

The sunshine on your back. The chirping of the birds. A tight hug from the kids. A coffee cupcake.

Enter #100happydays.

The premise is simple. Share a picture of something that made you happy, everyday for 100 days. Focus on the things you have. Realise how blessed your life really is.

I'm doing this challenge on Instagram. You can follow me there- nuts246


Anonymous said...

Natasha - I absolutely love the idea of keeping a focus on what is good about life rather than a focus on problems and challenges (not that they aren't real). And there is something loving, 'family' and delicious about cheesecake that goes far beyond its sweet taste. Oh, and that's a lovely 'photo too (as always).

Natasha said...

Thank you, Margot. We get so caught up in our lives, we tend to forget how blessed we are. This will hopefully help me connect with what is really important in my life.


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