Friday, January 10, 2014

Cats' cradle- Day 5 of #100happydays

“Look, I can make a star”, my sons’ friend told me. Her first attempts were clumsy, but she finally produced a star- something I’d never learnt to do when I was addicted to cats’ cradle.
When I got home, I cut out a length of twine, to see how much I remembered- I had forgotten most of it, but a lot came back to me. I stored it up to teach the kids. Isn’t it marvelous that despite all the electronic distractions available to them, kids today are still fascinated by the things that we loved when we were young?

Can you be happy for 100 days in a row. Sign up for #100happydays
Follow me on Instagram- nuts246

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Natasha - I've done that kind of thing, and it's interesting how those childhood memories come back. Some things transcend generations.


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