Friday, September 14, 2012

The choices that others make

Home. Kids. Family. Work. Friends. Few jugglers can keep as many balls in the air as we do; or for as long.
Throw into the mix the other things that refuse to go away. Social commitments you can’t get out of. Passions you don’t want to give up. Time you feel you owe to yourself.
The only reason we survive is because we learn to prioritize. There is no right way, or wrong way. Only the way we choose for ourselves.
We all do it. Why then are we so quick to pass judgement on the choices that others make?


Chuck said...

I think passing judgement on others choices is a way to validate our own choices...and sometimes influence them. Good or bad.

Anonymous said...

Natasha - I've always wondered that myself. We all have to make choices and we all of us just do the best we can. Why should we hold others to different standards?

Goenchi said...

Agree that judgement is about validating our own choices. Took me a long time to see that, via too many conflicts. And prioritizing is hard, but so worth it!
Love the blog Natasha!

Goenchi said...

Agree that judgements are about validating our own choices. Took me a long time, and several uncomfortable conflicts to figure that out. And also that constant prioritization is hard, but so worth it.
Love the blog, Natasha!

Goenchi said...

Agree that judgement is about validating our own choices. Took me a long time to see that, via too many conflicts. And prioritizing is hard, but so worth it!
Love the blog Natasha!


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