Friday, January 3, 2014

Cooking Happiness- Day 1 of #100happydays

Cheesecake is one of the few things we agree on as a family. Specially strawberry cheesecake. We don’t tolerate it. We don’t merely like it. We, all four of us, love it. Even the younger one who is absolutely indifferent to anything that needs to be consumed, and the husband who’s perfected the art of gobbling stuff without having to taste it.

So when I found fresh strawberries in the market, I picked up the rest of the ingredients, and proceeded to make cheesecake. It took forever, but can there be anything more fun than Cooking Happiness for the Family?

Can you be happy for 100 days in a row. Sign up for #100happydays
Follow me on Instagram- nuts246


Anonymous said...

Cheesecake is one of the great joys in life.

Hart Johnson said...

Oh, what a cute way to do them in those little cups like that! We all love cheesecake, but everybody likes a different kind... I like a swirl of caramel and a swirl of chocolate to it myself (though I'd never say no to huckleberry)


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