[Sixth in a Set of Drabbles based on Van Gogh's Cafe Terrace at Night, 1888]
I see them at the Café every evening. Men and women laughing at jokes I can never be a part of.
I long to join them, but dare not. No matter how hard I try, my words and my manner will give me away. I would never fit in; I don’t want to be rejected by them.
I do the next best thing, I promenade up and down the sidewalk every evening, taking in everything. Living vicariously.
But one day, I will be brave. I will walk in. If I am lucky, they may not realise I am the marquis.
A drabble is a story told in exactly 100 words
Excellent drabble. most enjoyable.
Wow, I love your twisted little endings. I was expecting someone with a disability or a mistress. But not someone of authority who is famous. Great drabble!
Very nice drabble, I think you captured Vincent's sadness and lonliness well. I love that painting too. The recent episode of Doctor Who that featured Van Gogh had a real life replica of that painting as one of the set pieces. It was a great and emotional episode.
You see so much in this painting, Rayna!
Always enjoy your Drabble.
Thoughts in Progress
A complete story in 100 words. Your drabble was excellent.
Straight From Hel
Absolutely love this drabble. And yes, one day brave it - walk up to it and join in it.
Rayna, you are the Master of Drabble.
drabbleicious! equisitabble! oh you daring dakini of drabble!
Love this drabble. And all in 100 words - wow!
Fabulous...I love it! I will never look at this painting the same again, this was just wonderful!
God bless and happy 4th Rayna!
Nice twist at the end!
very nice. I have a poster-size print of this somewhere... I'll always think of your marquis now when I see it. Even better~ :o)
You are the best drabbler...ever!)
Really nice.
I love reading your drabbles. They are like little windows into a stranger's world.
Nice! Very nice!
Love the twist at the end... just fabulous! And so true.
You are tagged.
This was amazing!!!
@ Yvonne - thank you
@ Chary- what is a drabble without a twist?
@ Jamie- Vincent is one awesome painter, isn't he? Thanks for the link.
@ Alex- thank you!
@ Mason - thank you!
@ Helen- thank you. It is a great exercise in writing.
@ Marvin- I normally do!
@ Mary- thank you so much!
@ Jan- *bows* that sounds wonderful!
@ Talli- thank you. And you should try it too.
@ Trudy- that's what I loved about the picture - so many people. so many stories.
@ Debra- thank you.
@ LTM- and all the other stories too, I hope.
@ Jane- thank you. But some of the others in the group are much better.
@ Jaycee - thank you
@ Tricia- thank you. And I am waiting for your drabbles too.
@ yetitweets- thank you
@ ladyfi- I try a twist at the end of all of them
@ dipali- will come to it, soon. Promise.
@ Jenny- thank you.
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