Friday, January 4, 2013

Friends keep us afloat

We had been friends. Till we had a fight, and cut each other off from our lives. I distanced myself from most of our mutual friends. There had been good times, but I put them behind me. “Life is complicated enough without excess baggage”, I convinced myself. It suited me fine.

Months later, she reached out. “Can we put all that behind us, and start afresh?”
I wanted to ignore it. Her. But made me take her hand. There were no apologies, no recriminations. Just a desire to start afresh.
I am glad she reached out. Friends keep us afloat.
A Drabble is a story told in exactly 100 words.


Anonymous said...

Natasha - They do, indeed. I give you so much credit for opening your life and your heart to her again. That's one more strand in the net that keeps you safe.

Sueann said...

Yes...friends offer a lifeline in a hectic and sometimes brutal world.
Congrats on your new old friend


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