Raashi, signs of the Zodiac
So much of your life is governed by the “raashi” that was on an ascendant at the time of your birth. While there was a time when nothing auspicious was undertaken without checking if the stars were aligned in favour of your raashi, that is no longer the case any longer. The only time raashis really come into prominence is while checking the compatibility of raashis before solemnising a marriage.
But if you thought belief in raashis was dying out, think again. Many are the parents who choose to have a child by C-section, so they can control the raashi.
There are words, and there are words. Some words can be easily translated, others need to be described. In April, I’ll attempt to capture the Soul of 26 'Indian' words in a drabble of exactly 100 words.
I read the Chinese are doing the same this auspicious Year of the Dragon. I'm not convinced there's anything to this, but having said that, I'm a Cancerian and fit its description pretty closely. So, hmmm, don't know.
I love learning this stuff!
Natasha - How fascinating! So many cultures have traditions that link our personalities and a lot more to astronomical events. So interesting!
Really interesting. So many cultural beliefs live on for generations.
Not much different here for many people. I just had a friend who had a baby and he and his wife decided on a C-section so they could control the day and time and I guess everything else surrounding the birth.
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