Monday, June 6, 2011

Back to school

I remember the day when we went to school to seek admission for my older one. The younger one was just a couple of months old, and I couldn't image ever letting him go. Today, that baby of mine started primary school. It was bitter-sweet dressing both the kids in their 'big boy' school uniforms and dropping them off at school.
Before I know it they are going to be in secondary school, then high school, then college. I look forward to seeing the kind of men they become. But sometimes I also wish I could hold onto the past.
drabble is a story told in exactly 100 words.


Jan Morrison said...

my two wee boys are 39 and 41. Imagine that in your mind. And yet...a certain look, a particular chuckle and we are all back there. yes.

Jemi Fraser said...

They do grow up so incredibly quickly! It's hard to imagine.

They are so handsome! Hope school went well!

Anonymous said...

Natasha - Time goes so quickly, doesn't it? That's why I think it's so important for us to savour our time with our children. Soon enough they start their own lives...

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

I can still see ponytails and hesitant smiles even though they are 42 and 37.
Treasure each moment.

kjmckendry said...

I cried when my son went to his first day of Kindergarten. This fall he starts 2nd grade... and my daughter goes off to college in 4 years. I can't believe it!


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