Over two months back, Ann at All Write with Coffee handed over the 'From Me To You" Award, only she called it the "From Me To You (Picasso)" Award, and gave it to me because she liked some of the photographs I had posted that week!

I'm exercising my poetic license, and am passing it on to bloggers who touch the heart with the visual images they create -
Al of Publish or Perish
Heather of I'm not Hannah
Faith of Sacred Dirt
Fifi of Fififlowers
Fiona of On a Quirky Quest with Lady Fi
Jan of Crazy Jane
Marjorie of Everything Emerald
Patricia of Patricia Stoltey
SueAnn of SueAnn's Journey
Each is an incredible artist, and I salute them all.
And here's a photograph of a flower that bloomed in my "garden" earlier this week. One of the several varieties of jasmine, Juhi, with their mild fragrance always take me back to my childhood.
Jasminum auriculatum
My thank you comment disappeared! I'll try again: many thanks for this award - I'm honoured. I saltue you right back - thanks for such insightful writing.
Congrats on the award and thanks for some great new links to check out. I love the photo of the jasmine, so enjoy the smell of that flower.
Thoughts in Progress
Thank you, Rayna, that's so sweet.
And congratulations on receiving the award -- you have wonderful photos but you also have a way of giving us word pictures that make us feel as though we've been all the places you talk about. The jasmine photo makes me want to lean over and inhale the scent.
Do you remember the Bhimsen Joshi & Manna Dey song- ketaki gulab juhi champak ban phooley?
That's what your beautiful photograph evoked.
I've loved all your recent posts, just been caught up with too much stuff to comment on each. Loved the mega-post especially:)
Congratulations for your richly deserved award and thank you for passing it on to me...I accept it humbly and as you know that's hard for me! Ha! I'm having a struggling day - did my thousand words but the plot is UNWIELDLY. Going to go take the pooch for a stroll and blow the dust outa my brainpan...
Congrats on your award, and thanks for the lovely pict. I can almost smell the Jasmine!
ohhh i'm wanting to smell the flowers now!
Yay awards! I'll go follow these links and check out the new blogs!
Lovely write, congratulations to the award winners. loved the photo's.
Ah, shucks, Rayna. Thank for mentioning my blog. I don't know why I called it Picassa...
Great photo - I can almost smell the aroma! Congratulations on your much deserved award.
Congrats on your awards!!
And thank you!
Found you of course through the interconnections here blogging. Glad I did. You remind me that I met a wonderful man years ago here in Virginia (USA) who did acupressure on my brain-injured daughter. He also taught us many things about India food and other cultural things. We loved him. So nice to meet you.
Congrats Rayna on receiving the award.
Congrats! :)
I love that flower photo - so pretty :)
Rayna, your blog is poetic in picture, word and soul food. I'm so glad you were honored with the award. And thank you for sharing it with me and these other lovely writers!
Congrats to you :o) and what a beautiful flower. I bet it smells gorgeous.
Thank you so much! And congratulations to you.
I love your blog because it makes me think and smile and say, "Yes!" quite often. You? Are a special lady.
Gorgeous photo! I can almost smell the jasmine. "D
@ Fiona - nobody deserves the Award more than you do
@ Mason - the flowers are long gone, but the fragrance lingers
@ Patricia - the thing that drove me to your blog was the pictures and the word pictures of Colorado.
@ Dipali - will you laugh if I tell you that one of the reasons why I bought the plant was because of the song? Champa is on my wish list of plants too.
@ Jan - I am sure it will fall into place ultimately.
@ Lydia - one of my favourite flowers, and only for the fragrance
@ Doli - do :-)
@ KarenG - hope you find some new ones to follow.
@ Yvonne - thank you
@ Clarissa - I think you wanted to honour a particular photograph you liked.
@ Alex - thanks
@ Karen - most welcome
@ Jane - thank you
@ Ann - thanks, and thanks for dropping by
@ Al - thank you for the pleasure your photographs give me
@ Ann - thank you for dropping by. And the world is so very interconnected, isn't it?
@ Wanda - thank you
@ Jemi - thank you
@ Faith - thank you for those wonderful words
@ Niki - it does. A nice tropical smell
@ Heather - thank you. Was a pleasure passing the award to you
@ Chary - thank you.
I didn't laugh, but I'm smiling as I type:)
Lovely song, lovely flowers!
@ Dipali - lovely flowers, aren't they? As nice as the song.
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