Sunday, October 25, 2009

Colours - Terracotta

[This is a work of fiction. The characters and situations are purely imaginary, and any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental and unintended.The photograph only sets the tone for the colour]

“Impossible! You must have imagined it”, her mother said when she first told her.
“You must have led him on”, her mother accused, when she proved what was being done to her.
“Learn to bear it”, her mother advised. “I put up with so much for your sake.”
“He is your father”, her mother said. “He has the right to do anything to you.”
“Don’t you dare”, her mother thundered when she threatened to tell all.

Her baby- the baby her mother now passed off as her own. Will she ever know if he is her brother or her son?

Drabble(n) - an extremely short work of fiction exactly one hundred words in length.
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dipali said...

This is a fiction which is sadly and often true. What terrible complicity between the abuser and his spouse.

Marjorie said...

Fiction you say? Why is it that so many will justify this barbaric act? Why is it that men and (and some women) can justify it to themselves? So many questions that will never be answered. What we as people can do is make sure this type of crime is punished as severely as possible. I personally feel that these barbarians should be fully castrated and forced to live out their days naked so all can see their disgrace.

Anonymous said...

Oh goodness me - such powerful emotions in so few words.

Unknown said...

You capture the conflict perfectly between mother and daughter. It was powerfully emotional and saddening all the same. I found this one really hard to read since it is such a sensitive topic. Great drabble!

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I agree with Chary---great drabble!

Mystery Writing is Murder

Lisa said...

The betrayal is so great, so damaging when this happens...betrayal by the abuser who is supposed to be the protector, and the person they tell who does not protect. A child, after this, has a long journey to travel to become a full and undamaged adult.

Natasha said...

@ dipali, Chary, Elizabeth - if I could have one wish, an end to this may just be what I wish for.

@ Fiona - thanks

@ Lisa - I can't even start to comprehend the emotional state of someone who has been through something like this. Who can you trust?

@ Marjorie - I have to admit that I agree with you in intent if not in the precise nature of the punishment. Nothing the law does to perpectuators (and sympathisers) of child molestation can be punishment enough.


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