Thursday, April 19, 2012

Qyayamat, Judgement Day

You would think ‘Judgement Day’ would come but once in all time, but so popular has the word become that some people experience a ‘quayamat’ many times a week. 

It was the Bollywood flick that popularized the term- “Quayamat se Quayamat Tak”/ “From Disaster to Disaster” was a love-story that Romeo and Juliet would have felt at home with. 

And while in real life, you rarely have a chain of events leading to a couple dying violent deaths in each other’s arms, you can now experience a ‘quayamat’ every time your car develops a puncture, making you late for work.
There are words, and there are words. Some words can be easily translated, others need to be described.  In April, I’ll attempt to capture the Soul of 26 'Indian' words in a  drabble of exactly 100 words.


Chuck said...

Another fascinating word to add to my collection...I will have a full set by the end of the month!

Britney Gulbrandsen said...

What a great word! Thanks for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

Natasha - Thanks for this. I am learning so very much as I follow your trip through the alphabet. So fascinating!


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