Saturday, December 3, 2011

Reason to smile

A friend and I were talking about how difficult it is to find domestic help these days. I grew up in a household where live-in full-time help was taken for granted. Today, even if you are willing to pay, you cannot find someone reliable to mind the kids for a couple of hours every day. We spoke of it like it was a bad thing- which it is, for us.
But what it actually means is that women are seeking and getting jobs better than the unskilled ones we want to employ them in. Isn’t that enough reason to smile?
drabble is a story told in exactly 100 words.


Kittie Howard said...

Yes, it's a beautiful reason to smile. I grew up in the Old South were domestic help was pretty much taken for granted. Not any more - and this is a good thing!

Sueann said...

Yes it is a reason to smile!!


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