Thursday, July 21, 2011

Will the system be forced to change?

Most people seem to believe that the fact that life went on as normal the day after the bomb blasts  speaks of the 'resilience' of the city.
I do not agree. People get on with life, because they do not have the choice not to. Who has the time to mourn for the dead when you need to keep running just to survive. Fear and anger are accessories you don only when you feel there is a point to be served by wearing either of them.

But if enough people are angry, would not the system be forced to change?
drabble is a story told in exactly 100 words.


Jemi Fraser said...

It's hard when fear and anger are the best hope for change. *hugs*

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

People shouldn't be afraid to demand a change.

Chuck said...

A stark difference in reaction between this act of violence and our 9/11 tragedy. I don't believe there was a person in America that didn't want a piece of somebody's ass the next day...and for years to come.

Sueann said...

It always bothered me when people would say..."Life goes on". Like you say...what choice do we have? Time marches forward and takes no prisoners!!

Unknown said...

I agree that fear and anger often are the motivating forces for change. I only wish that this weren't the case. I try to live by Gandhi's quote- "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." If only it all change can be accomplished by peaceful means. . .

Anonymous said...

Natasha - You are so right. One has no choice but to keep on going. That's how we survive. It's tragic but true; when the system forces people to do everything they can just to survive, it's harder for those people to have the luxury of getting angry and insisting on change...


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