[This is a work of fiction..... or not.]

What is life if you haven't picked up a couple of reminders along the way? That touch of grey which you try to colour out of existence. Those faint lines around the eyes, which you claim are due to laughter not age. That tiny scar above your eyebrow that you got playing soccer. The hint of a double chin which you try to pretend doesn't exist. All those little things that remind you of a life being lived.
A little burnt around the edges I may be, but I am not sure you can show me anyone who is happier
drabble is a story told in exactly 100 words.
Rayna - Living gives one experience and access to some wisdom. I think the media relentlessly pushes the youthful look on consumers, so that people are embarrassed about looking older. There is so much pressure on us to look young. Really, though, wisdom and confidence often come with age...
Love these beautiful words of wisdom! Here's to our crispy bits!
Yes! That's how I feel about my dolls - I like the loved ones because you can see the love - worn out hair and faded face paint - I don't want to leave this world not having made an impression on it OR not having it made an impression on me. Hurrah!
i just love this post!!!!!
What a great way to look at life. Everyone knows even things burnt around the edges are still great in the center.
So long as we're not crumbling around the edges, everything is great!
Well said as usual. :)
A wonderful way to look at life. Those burnt edges just shows character.
Thoughts in Progress
What a lovely sentiment. I do hope it IS true.
If grey hair is a sign of living, then I am definitely a little singed!
yes. true. look at us -- we all testify.
Someone better get me out of the oven soon!!
So cute. Loving all the different ideas of what Eye Candy means. Yours is one of the sweetest.
Edge of Your Seat Romance
Yup - being a little burnt around the edges isn't a bad thing at all! ;)
I love how you make me think, lady! (And smile...)
The real secret to life is to live it so much you wear it out, and when you get to the end, you skid down the runway in your birthday suit, exhausted and happy.
Happy New Year.
fantastic! I love that burnt smiley face--and its lesson! xoxo <3
I agree! I just love those little potato faces! How cute.
Not to mention the thinning hair on top of my head and the neck...oh, my goodness, the neck. But yes, I'm as happy as that adorable happy face.
Attitude! Terrific attitude. You've nailed it again.
This is wonderful, Natasha! Though I feel for YOU it is only philosophy--you have no gray or lines or double chin... But it's a good attitude for when they come.
Happiness can be found in a great attitude.
Happy New Year
@ Margot - so true. There is so much pressure to looking young, people are almost embarassed not to. Which is such a pity.
@ Fiona - I love our crispy bits- they are the best.
@ Jan - wiser words were rarely said. And I always say that dolls who look raggedy are teh ones that have had their parts loved away.
@ Dipali - thank you.
@ Susan - and the burnt bits are great too, aren't they?
@ Debra - precisely. WE are great.
@ AleathaIngleton - thank you.
@ Mason - they do, don't they?
@ Rosalind - I think it is true.
@ Alex - and what can be better?
@ sarah- we do, don't we?
@ Diane - :-)
@ Raquel - Eye candy is eye candy, isn't it? Thank you.
@ Jemi - I think it can even be a good thing.
@ Heather- as do you to me.
@ Florence - wouldn't that be really great. I do hope I am as excited about life at teh end as I am today.
@ Leigh - that face is priceless, isn't it?
@ Clarissa - they are the cutest!
@ Patricia - and that happiness is all that really matters, isn't it?
@ Mary - was thinking of a lot of poeple (apart from me) when writing this - you were one fo them.
@ Hart - I do have a bunch of grey hair, and the start of a double chin- both are just not visbile in most photographs.
@ SueAnn- thank you. And you were one of the people I was thinking of while writing this.
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