From the desert they came, loaded not on camel backs but in refrigerated trucks. An exotic fruit, unseen in urban markets, till recently.
The buyer was hesitant- “I’ve never had this before”. The seller insistent- “Try one, I am sure you will like it.” She bit into the proffered piece, but remained unsure. “I’ll give it to you cheap”, the seller said.
On the long commute home, she reached for her banana, then changing her mind, took out the dates instead. The fruit was delicious, she spat the seeds out.
Two months later, there were date palms lining the train-tracks.
A drabble is a story told in exactly 100 words.
For the full story, and how it relates to writing, visit Burrowers, Books & Balderdash, and while you are there, catch up with some great posts from the rest of the Burrowers.

To write a story on that subject is wonderful but to put it in a drabble of 100 words is a miracle.
Well done.
What a wonderfully fruitful story:)
Wonderful and fun to read! I love dates~
Ha -- I love how your tamarind experience inspired this beautiful drabble (at least, that's what I'm assuming!)
What a wonderful story! I loved the vision of it. And the dates too...they are a favorite of mine.
I meant to post this on your Burrow blog post, but now it goes here instead. It sounds so exotic to me that trees can grow from randomly thrown seeds! Of course that happens here as well, but not a lot of plants are strong enough to survive on their own. There are only a few types - sunflowers, for instance, that actually grows from that meagre start. Otherwise if you want something to survive in this climate, you'll need to take care of it.
So the idea of a date palm grown from a thrown seed is indeed very foreign to me!
ooo! I love dates and I love the way you ended your drabble! I can imagine the trees lining the RR tracks... :o)
I love how you make a beautiful story with something you saw on a train. Lovely!
Such beauty and in 100 words, WOW. You have an amazing talent for this drabble thing. :)
That is so clever, Rayna!
aaah - such a perfect ending and so unexpected. I adore your drabbles - you are getting better each time! As Cruella says, sunflower seed (from bird table) self-seeds in our northern climes and last year I had niger seed germminate (goldfinches spurned them) and actually flower! I know that's from your neck of the woods....
... somehow the thought of British Rail sidings filled with date palms makes me think of heaven-on-earth... thank you for your inspiration x Marian
Lovely, lovely ending. And in truth, the dates are worth it. :)
Now I want to try some dates! Anything that causes trees can't be bad. :)
Great story! Made me think of the watermelon seeds we spit out as kids and hoped they would grow melons.
Thanks for the memory.
What we spit out takes seed, hey :)
Great drabble.
And btw- the story on my blog 'The missing Feet' was a true story. Just thought you might like to know.
Great drabble. And dates are tasty!
I've never had a date...but I saw tamarind in the grocery store yesterday (although as tamarindo, we have a huge hispanic population in this town) and thought of you "-)
I thought my comment posted. I am having a real problem with the pop up comment window.
Anyway, I loved this story. You make really wonderful and intricate connections.
@ Yvonne - can I let you into a secret- I am too lazy to write more.
@ Dipali- have you tried growing date seeds? They should grow in Calcutta too.
@ Ellie- one of my favourite fruits too.
@ Barbara- yes, and no. I have both plants grown from seed.
@ SueAnn - thank you.
@ Cruella- we are a more humid place, and there is a lot more sunshine all year through- maybe that is the reason. I would love to have sunflowers springing up.
@ Leigh - that would be quite a sight, wouldn't it?
@ Clarissa- thank you
@ Jules- thank you so much.
@ Alex- thanks
@ Marian - it is lovely to get unexpected flowers, isn't it?
@ RA- they are. Very much so.
@ The Yard Bard- they are really good, trust me on that.
@ Mary- I have a pot full of watermelon seedlings- unfortunately, they rarely make it beyond that stage
@ Tabitha- it did sound like a real story, but I wanted to be sure.
@ Holly- very tasty!
@ Tina- dates are lovely too.
@ Chary- thank you. And maybe you have pop up windows disabled or something.
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