What do you say about a 37-year old who likes to write?
That she is the mother of two preschoolers. Encyclopaedia. Disciplinarian. Football coach. Painter. Teacher. Security blanket.
That she was an investment banker, a management consultant, a microfinance specialist and is now with a children's charity.
That she is passionate about running, yoga, gardening, photography, photoshopping, blogging and knitting.
That she adores Cezanne, and loves da Vinci, Monet and Cartier-Besson.
That she loves reading historical dramas, thrillers, mysteries, and science-fiction, but writes only short stories.
A pomegranate has many seeds. Natasha likes to think of herself as one.
Much of it still holds, but like happens often enough, I have have outgrown the bio-drabble. But before sending it into retirement, I wanted to give it one last moment in the sun.
A rather awesome pomegranate!
Nicely said, Dipali.
I like the Da Vinci part. Are you talking about the artist, or this whole body of work? He was the world's first true genius, I think.
Best Regards, Galen
Imagineering Fiction Blog
It's retiring? *sniffs*
It IS an awesome pomegranate, and I am lucky to be its twin.
*Thursday twin perceives challenge on HER bioDrabble that definitely needs updating*
Oh, no, are we updating the bios...? *fake sigh*
Is it a sign of lack of maturity that I still think mine fits? And most importantly, was that a butterfly's wings that touched my cheek? (I'm all about paraphrasing today - this time from the wonderful Erik Bye)
Seriously, though, I suppose it is a good idea to update the bios every now and then (even though I like them as they are).
@Thursday Twin - yes, you need to update to keep current. I wanted to update because I want to declutter.
@ Mari - Your drabble is perfect as it is, I think.
@Galen - I admire da Vinci the multi-faceted genius. As an artist, I prefer Michelangelo, but da Vinci was so much more than just an artist.
And it took me a long time to realise you were not taking about the photograph (which I am very proud of). Thanks!
seeds of an amazing personality!
@ Ritu - don't make me blush!
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